Other external reports
Anne Eckhardt (risicare GmbH), Alternativen zur Xenotransplantation. Grundlage für tierethische Abwägungen, September 2023. - in German
Anne Eckhardt (risicare), Gene Drives, Kurzbericht, November 2018. (1.5MB) - in German
Alexandre Aebi, Nicola Schoenenberger, Gene transfers into the environment, Juli 2016. (8.7MB)
Eckhard Wolf, Stammzellen und Genome Editing bei Nutztieren, September 2015 (8MB) - in German
Daniela Thurnherr, "Biosecurity und die Publikation heikler Forschungsdaten aus grundrechtlicher Perspektive", März 2014 (0.6 MB) - in German
See also volume 11 of the ECNH-collection "Contributions to ethics and biotechnology": Daniela Thurnherr, Biosecurity und Publikationsfreiheit. Die Veröffentlichung heikler Forschungsdaten im Spannungsfeld von Freiheit und Sicherheit - eine grundrechtliche Analyse, 2014 - in German
Anne Eckhardt, Biosecurity und die Veröffentlichung von Forschungsdaten, März 2014 (1.5 MB) - in German
Michael Eckerstorfer, Marianne Miklau, Helmut Gaugitsch, New Plant Breeding Techniques - Risks Associated with their Application, Environment Agency Austria, 2014 (1,4 MB)
Eva Gelinksy, Geistige Eigentumsrechte im Bereich der neuen Pflanzenzuchtverfahren. Literaturübersicht und Einschätzungen, 2013 (pdf 1,23 MB) - in German
Samuel Camenzind, Das Klonen von Tieren - eine ethische Auslegeordnung
Stiftung für das Tier im Recht, Zürich, Mai 2010 (2,7 MB) - In German
risicare GmbH, Lebensmittel - Neue bio-und nanotechnische Entwicklungen, 2010 - in German
risicare GmbH, Synthetische Biologie. Organisation und Ziele, 2008 - in German
Andreas Bachmann, Synthetic nanoparticles and the precautionary principle. An ethical analysis", 2007
This report is concerned with the question whether the precautionary principle should be applied to synthetic nanoparticles; and if so, what that means concerning the handling of these particles.
Réseau Interdisciplinaire Biosécurité, Les impact des plantes transgéniques dans les pays en voie de développement et les pays en transition, 2003 - in French
Annex 1: Etudes de cas; Annex 2: Akteurs
Johann S. Ach, Ethische Analyse und Auslegeordnung zum Thema "Auswirkungen der Biotechnologie auf Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländer", 2003 - in German
Küng - Biotech + Umwelt, Significance of "substantial equivalence" in the assessment of genetically modified foodstuffs and animal feed, 2003 - in German
This study seeks to define and permit in-depth consideration of the concept of substantial equivalence. The document provides criteria for assessing the validity of the concept and its significance in current regulatory practice with regard to the safety of foodstuffs and animal feed derived from genetically modified organisms.
Norbert Anwander, Andreas Bachmann, Klaus Peter Rippe, Peter Schaber, Patenting genes. An ethical analysis, 2002 - in German
This book is based on an expert report commissioned by the ECNH in connection with the revision of the Swiss Patents Law.
Klaus Peter Rippe, Precaution as a guiding principle in environmental ethics, 2001 - in German
The aim of this report is to provide an overwiew of the key texts on the Precautionary Principle, to elaborate the essential ethical questions and, on this basis, to develop propositions serving as a foundation for the Committee's internal deliberations on the concept of the Precautionary Principle.