Opinions on legislative projects
2020 - 2023
- Digital genetic information and the idea of Access and Benefit Sharing: ECNH-report, March 2020.
2016 - 2019
- Does the precautionary principle need to be supplemented? Ethical considerations on the "innovation principle": ECNH-report, December 2019.
- Gene Drives. Ethical considereations on the use of gene drives in the environment: ECNH-report, August 2019.
- (available in German only) Änderung des Umweltgesetzes zur Umsetzung der Strategie der Schweiz zu invasiven gebietsfremden Arten: Stellungnahme der EKAH vom 26. Juni 2019 zur Vernehmlassung.
- (available in German only) Revision der Verordnungen des Lebensmittelrechts (Projekt "Stretto 3"): Stellungnahme der EKAH vom 26. Juni 2019 zum Vernehmlassungsentwurf.
- Precaution in the environmental field. Ethical requirements for the regulation of new biotechnologies: ECNH-report, May 2018.
- (available in German only) Änderung von Verordnungen im Veterinärbereich: Stellungnahme der EKAH vom 7. Februar 2017 zur Vernehmlassung.
- New Plant Breeding Techniques - ethical considerations: ECNH-report, March 2016.
2012 - 2015
- Freedom of research and biosecurity - Ethical considerations by the example of dual use research of concern: ECNH-report, December 2015 (in German and French only)
- Ethical treatment of fish. ECNH report of December 2014
- Release of genetically modified plants - ethical requirements. ECNH report of August 2012
Additional opinions in German (and French).
2008 - 2011
- Ethical requirements for the experimental and commercial release of genetically modified plants
(pdf, 289 kb), December 2011 - Synthetic biology - Ethical considerations (brochure)
May 2010 - The dignity of living beings with regard to plants - Moral consideration of plants for their own sake (broschure)
April 2008
2004 - 2007
- Research on primates - an ethical evaluation (brochure)
May 2006 - Gene Technology and Developing Countries - A contribution to the discussion from an ethical perspective (broschure)
September 2004
2000 - 2003
- Gene Technology for Food - Ethical considerations for the marketing of genetically modified foodstuffs and animal feed (broschure)
March 2003 - The dignity of animals (brochure)
February 2001 - Ethical evaluation of "Terminator" technology (pdf, 146kb), 2000
- Regulation of the release of genetically modified organisms (pdf, 17kb), 2000
- The draft bill of the Federal law relating to the transplantation of organs, tissues and cells (Transplantation Law, TxG) (pdf, 39kb), 2000
1998 - 1999
- The dignity of creation with regard to the planned Revision of the Animal Protection Law (pdf, 35kb), 1999