Members of the ECNH

The maximum 12 independent members of the ECNH are ethicists from various disciplines (philosophy, theology, biology, medicine and law), representing different viewpoints. The members and the Chair are appointed by the Federal Council.

Members of the ECNH 2020-2023

Name First Name, OccupationFunction
Kirchschläger Peter G., Prof. Dr. theol. lic. phil., Chair in Theological Ethics and Head of the Institute for Social Ethics ISE at the University of LucerneChair a.i.
Boillet Véronique, Associate Professor at the Center of public law, University of LausanneMember
Burri Susanne, Junior Professor Departement Philosophy, University of Konstanz (Germany); From 1 August 2025: Associate Professor of Applied and Normative Ethics, University of ZurichMember
Camenzind Samuel, PhD, Postdoc at the Institut of Philosophy, University of Vienna (Austria)Member
Gelinsky Eva, Dr. agrar., Coordinator of the Initiative for GE-free Seed an Breeding (IG Saatgut), independent scientist (semnar / saatgutpolitik & wissenschaft)Member
Hess Gérald, Dr. phil. I, Maître d'Enseignement et de Recherche (MER) in Ethics and Environmental Philosophy, University of LausanneMember
Martin Angela, Dr., Lecturer in Ethics, Environmental Sciences and Humanities Institute, University of Fribourg (CH)Member
Osto Melania, Dr., Animal welfare officer and commissioned veterinarian at the Bellinzona Institutes of Science (Bios⁺), animal welfare officer at the University of ZurichMember
Pawel Pelczar, Dr., molecular biologist, Head of the Centre for Transgenic Models, University of BaselMember
Reinhardt Didier, Titular Professor, Senior Researcher am Departement of Biology, University of FribourgMember
Schäfer Otto, Dr. theol., Dr. sc. agr., biologist and protestant theologian (environmental ethics), faculties of protestant theology at Strasbourg (Associate researcher of the UR 4378) and at ZurichMember





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Last edition: 22.01.2025