Members of the ECNH
Members of the ECNH 2020-2023
Name First Name, Occupation | Function |
Kirchschläger Peter G., Prof. Dr. theol. lic. phil., Chair in Theological Ethics and Head of the Institute for Social Ethics ISE at the University of Lucerne | Chair a.i. |
Boillet Véronique, Associate Professor at the Center of public law, University of Lausanne | Member |
Burri Susanne, Junior Professor Departement Philosophy, University of Konstanz (Germany); From 1 August 2025: Associate Professor of Applied and Normative Ethics, University of Zurich | Member |
Camenzind Samuel, PhD, Postdoc at the Institut of Philosophy, University of Vienna (Austria) | Member |
Gelinsky Eva, Dr. agrar., Coordinator of the Initiative for GE-free Seed an Breeding (IG Saatgut), independent scientist (semnar / saatgutpolitik & wissenschaft) | Member |
Hess Gérald, Dr. phil. I, Maître d'Enseignement et de Recherche (MER) in Ethics and Environmental Philosophy, University of Lausanne | Member |
Martin Angela, Dr., Lecturer in Ethics, Environmental Sciences and Humanities Institute, University of Fribourg (CH) | Member |
Osto Melania, Dr., Animal welfare officer and commissioned veterinarian at the Bellinzona Institutes of Science (Bios⁺), animal welfare officer at the University of Zurich | Member |
Pawel Pelczar, Dr., molecular biologist, Head of the Centre for Transgenic Models, University of Basel | Member |
Reinhardt Didier, Titular Professor, Senior Researcher am Departement of Biology, University of Fribourg | Member |
Schäfer Otto, Dr. theol., Dr. sc. agr., biologist and protestant theologian (environmental ethics), faculties of protestant theology at Strasbourg (Associate researcher of the UR 4378) and at Zurich | Member |
| Member |