Ethik des Risikos - Begriffe, Situationen, Entscheidungstheorien und Aspekte [Risk Ethics. Definitions, situations, decision theories and aspects]
Contributions to Ethics and Biotechnology, Volume 4 (2008) - in German
Risk Ethics is concerned with the ethical valuation of decisions on how to act in risk situations; that is to say, decisions which involve an element of risk when put into practice. To what risks may a person expose themselves or others? In order to be able to answer this question, in the first section of the book, essential terms relating to risk ethics are defined and various different risk situations identified. In the second part, three different decision theories in Risk Ethics are described (Bayesian Decision Theory, Maximin Principle, Precautionary Principle) and the implications of each discussed. The deci-sion theories in risk ethics include a range of positions, from those characterised by a rational ap-proach through to one which attempts to avoid the worst case scenario. Finally, the third part deals with aspects which are of considerable importance in the debate on risk ethics. Some of these are described in more detail, for example the function of consent and compensation, individual rights, property rights to risks and how these are distributed.