

Gene Drives - Ethical considerations on the use of gene drives in the environment. Report by the ECNH

Gene Drives - Ethical considerations on the use of gene drives in the Environment.


Precaution in the environmental field - ethical requirements for the regulation of new biotechnologies. Report by the ECNH.

The rapid development of new techniques which allow us to selectively alter genetic material and are thus termed genome editing has sparked public…


Pressekonferenz - «Vorsorge im Umweltbereich», 7. Mai 2018, 10.30–12.00 Uhr, in Bern

Präsentation des Berichts der Eidgenössischen Ethikkommission für die Biotechnologie im Ausserhumanbereich (EKAH)

«Vorsorge im Umweltbereich.…


Precaution and Ethics, Vol. 12 of the book series "Contributions to Ethics and Biotechnology" (external report)

Christian Munthe, Precaution and Ethics, Vol. 12 of the book series "Contributions to Ethics and Biotechnology (2017)


New Plant Breeding Techniques - Ethical considerations. Report by the ECNH.

Report by the ECNH: New Plant Breeding Techniques - Ethical Considerations, March 2016.

External report commissioned by the ECNH:

  • Michael…


Strategie zu invasiven gebietsfremden Arten: Stellungnahme der EKAH zum Anhörungsentwurf

"Strategie der Schweiz zu invasiven gebietsfremden Arten": Stellungnahme der EKAH vom 15. Oktober 2015 zum Anhörungsentwurf


Ethical treatment of fish: ECNH-report

Report of the ECNH, Ethical treatment of fish, 1 December 2014


Biosecurity and the publication of research data: two external reports (in German)

Two external reports (in German):

Risk scenarios and criteria to evaluate the risks (1,5 MB), by risicare GmbH, commissioned by ECNH, January 2014.

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Last edition: 03.05.2021